Hailing from Las Vegas, United States, Eddy Delmonico, a distinguished artist known for his singing and diverse musical influences, proceeds to make his mark in the Americana and Country worlds with his latest single, "Warm Lips, Cool Heart." Known as the leader of a talented crew of five individuals who crafted a musical journey like no other, Eddy has built a state of being held in high esteem for crafting music that seamlessly blends Americana and Country, appealing to a wide and growing audience. "Warm Lips Cool Heart," with its deep emotional undercurrents and polished production, is a testament to his ability to fuse nostalgia with a modern twist.
Released on January 3rd, 2024, "Warm Lips Cool Heart" drives listeners to a realm where love stories come alive through music. Recorded entirely in Las Vegas with a team of passionate collaborators, this single embodies the essence of true artistry. Eddy Delmonico's velvety vocals, likened to the legends Roy Orbison and Elvis, add a touch of magic to this musical masterpiece, making it a must-listen for music enthusiasts everywhere.
Eddy Delmonico's dedication to his craft shines through in each note, promising a sound that is both timeless and refreshing.
“Warm Lips Cool Heart” is more than just a catchy, mid-tempo track. With its blend of Americana and Country, the song taps into the roots of alt-country, providing listeners with a raw, authentic musical experience. There’s no autotune here, no polished edges, but just real instruments and honest vocals, which adds to its charm. The song’s down-to-earth, unfiltered sound is perfectly suited for fans of Outlaw Country and Americana, creating a soundscape that complements its message of frustration and satire.
Through humor, wit, and a touch of nostalgia, Eddy Delmonico and his crew strike a chord with listeners who know all too well the type of message they're delivering. So, next time you find yourself rolling your eyes at an overly demanding neighbor, remember—Eddy's got a song now, and it’s a hit.
For more, follow Eddy Delmonico on Soundcloud